Machine learning terminology
Created: February 4, 2016 / Updated: November 2, 2024 / Status: in progress / 13 min read (~2526 words)
Machine learning is a complex field and as any other field, it has its share of terminology one needs to get acquainted with to speak with other practitioners more succinctly.
The following is my attempt at describing many of the terms I use on a regular basis. I don't claim many of them are perfect, I would even say that some are potentially wrong, which is the whole reason I am doing this exercise. It is a good way for me to discover holes in my understanding and to fix them.
If you think any of the descriptions below are wrong, feel free to let me know through the comments or a PR/issue on the github repository.
Activation function Given a value, the activation function returns a value (they are functions after all!). The purpose of activation functions are to return a value based on the sum of all the input arriving at the unit. Certain activation functions will return -1 or 0 for very large negative values and 1 for very large positive values (sigmoid/logistic, tanh or softsign). Other types of activation functions will not saturate (e.g., min to -1 or max to 1), which may cause the network to become unstable due to numerical instability of operations of large numbers against small numbers (or small numbers with small numbers and large numbers with large numbers). #neural-network
Add-one smoothing Assign a count of 1 to unseen n-grams. This is done so that they at least have a very minor probability instead of none. #nlp
BLAS Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. Generally, those are optimized linear algebra procedures that can be executed more efficiently on certain hardware.
CNN Convolutional neural network. A type of neural network layer based on the concept of applying convolutions. CNNs are useful for translation invariance, that is, they will detect features wherever they are located within the image. CNNs are mostly used in the context of vision/image problems or problems where the space structure provides additional information the network may benefit from. #cnn #neural-network
Convolution The concept of convolution can be seen as the operation of applying a filter/kernel on a tensor. A convolution is generally the operation of multiplying the kernel (another tensor with defined values) at each location in the tensor with the associated cells, then summing all the associated values, which becomes the value of the cell in the produced tensor. #cnn
Data A collection of values which can be serialized in binary format.
Decoder An abstraction of a neural network which takes a compressed representation and decompresses it into its original representation. #neural-network
Domain The set of values for which the function is defined. #mathematics
Dimension Represent the number of numbers one needs to represent a coordinate in a space. #mathematics
Embedding A tensor which purpose is to encode some information in a different space than the input space. For instance, we might be encoding a phrase as a sequence of unique integers. We could also transform these sequence of integers into sequence of vectors as a pre-processing step, using an embedding that was learned and which converts word indexes into vectors. Embeddings can sometimes be used to create more compact representations of their input, such as converting a large one-hot vector (rank/length 100<) into a small vector (rank/length 10 for example). #neural-network
Encoder An abstraction of a neural network that takes an input and compresses it into a more compact representation. #neural-network
Epsilon-greedy strategy/policy An action in a set of actions $A$ is selected at random with probability $\epsilon$ while we may pick the action that gives the maximum amount of reward (greedy) with probability $1 - \epsilon$. #reinforcement-learning
Feature A property of the data used to do prediction. An example of a feature would be the length of items, or their color, their price, etc. Features can have various types such as numeric, categorical (labels), discrete or more complex such as vectors, matrices, tensors.
Filter A tensor used in a convolution operation. #cnn
Fingerprinting Converting a large space into a small space for faster comparison. Common fingerprinting algorithms are hashes such as md5/sha1.
Function An operation which transform its input(s) (called arguments) into output(s). A function is expected to return the same outputs given the same inputs (as opposed to returning different outputs given the same inputs). A function is a useful concept because it allows one to abstract his thinking by hiding (or as it is called in computer science, encapsulating) it behind a function. In loose terms, a function represents a behavior/transition. #mathematics #computer-science
Function approximator A function approximator is a function that attempts to mimic another unknown function. A function approximator is useful because it may allow you to model an unknown function. In doing so, it allows you to rely on this approximation which may be faster to compute or require less resources than the function it mimics.
Gradient The gradient of a function is the "slope", or amount of change, that occurs at a given point of the function. The gradient is a vector composed of the $n$ partial derivatives of $f$. #neural-network
Hash function A type of function that converts a large space into a small space, where it is difficult to generate the domain values given image values. Examples of hash functions are md5/sha1. #mathematics
i.i.d. All the random variables are independent (the occurrence of one does not affect the others) and identically distributed (they have the same probability distribution).
Image See range.
Kernel See filter.
Layer In a neural network, a layer is an ensemble of units that receive inputs and generate outputs. The outputs are generally computed through an activation function. Each unit is responsible of computing some function on its input, which is then provided to the activation function to determine the unit's output. Generally, the units of a layer can be computed in parallel as they do not depend on one another. ##neural-network
Linear algebra
Loss function A function that returns a metric which can be optimized (minimized or maximized). In the case of a loss function, we want to minimize this value. Examples of loss functions are the mean squared error or the categorical cross-entropy. A loss function is computed against two values, one being a training example (the target) and the other a prediction (the current state). #neural-network
Matrix A collection of numbers arranged in an array, generally represented to be within the $\mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ space, where $m$ and $n$ represents the row size and column size respectively. A matrix is a special case of a tensor; its tensor rank is 2 and its tensor shape $(m, n)$ represents its row and column dimensions. #mathematics
Maximum likelihood
n-gram A sequence of $n$ items, generally from a sequence of text. n-grams are generally used as atomic units in other systems, such as neural networks, where instead of representing two words, the bigrams are given a unique nominal number and then are one-hot encoded. #nlp
Neural network A neural network is a function approximator. It is generally composed of layers which transform their inputs according to a function. Neural network are trained, in that given a training data set (inputs/outputs), we want the neural network to learn to generate the same outputs given the same inputs. Training occurs through the process of modifying the weights of each layer. #neural-network.
Nominal number A number (generally an integer) that serves as a unique identifier for a more complex value, for instance a string. A nominal number can be thought of as the primary key in a SQL table, it only serves to uniquely represent the row but generally has no meaning by itself. #mathematics
Normalization The process of converting numbers with arbitrary range so that they are contained within the [-1, 1] or [0, 1] range. This is mainly done because within neural networks the scale of various features can have an impact on the first layer and any subsequent layers if the first layer does not saturate.
One-hot encoding The process of converting a nominal number into a One-hot vector, that is to say convert a value that is generally considered as part of an enumeration into a different representation. The purpose of one-hot encoding is to convert something that isn't numeric into a tensor representation. The reason nominal numbers can't be used directly in a neural network is that they do not represent linearity in the feature, that is to say nominal numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 representing "dog", "cat", "horse", "bird" do not represent that the "intermediate" of a dog and a horse is a cat; every item is a unique entity. This process thus turns a single feature into multiple features that represent the presence or absence of this nominal value (yes, this is a bird, no it is not a dog, a horse or a cat). #neural-network
One-hot vector A vector which is 0 in most dimensions and 1 in a single dimension. Ex: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]. One-hot vectors are generally used to encode nominal number. #neural-network
Operation See function.
Optimization The process of minimizing or maximizing a function (finding the coordinates at which the function returns its maximal or minimal value). #neural-network
Partial derivative
Pooling layer Given a certain pool size (a vector or tuple), the pooling layer applies an operation on a "block" (sub-tensor) of data. For instance, max pooling will, given a vector such as [1 2 3 4] and a pool size of 2, return the vector [2 3 4], with a pool size 3, return the vector [3 4], and with a pool size 4, return [4]. Max pooling is often used in CNNs in order to select the highest value in a rectangular region of the image. The pooling operation is similar to a convolution in that it applies to a sub-region of the data and that the output is resized based on the kernel used. #cnn
Prediction Based on a set of observations (input and output) and given an input, returns a prediction as to what the output is expected to be.
Probability The likelihood that an event will occur. Between 0 and 1, where 0 implies it will not happen and 1 implies it will, and values in between indicating the likelihood it will occur. #mathematics
Probability distribution A mathematical function that describes the probabilities of occurrence of a given event in a set of events. #mathematics
Procedure A sequence of operations.
Random variable A variable which may take out one of many potential values. This random variable has a probability distribution, which defines the probability of each potential value it can take. #mathematics
Range The set of values a function takes on as output. #mathematics
Recurrence A recurrence is an which constructs the values of a sequence based on the previous elements of that sequence. #mathematics
Representation A binary encoding (which can in turn be numbers, characters, images, audio, etc.) of data.
RNN Recurrent neural network. A type of neural network layer based on the concept of recurrence. RNNs are particularly well suited for sequential data. RNNs expect sequences of fixed length $n$, which allows them to be unrolled into a "regular" network where the current state (at time $t$) is computed based on the previous state (at time $t-1$) and the current input (at time $t$). You can think of RNN as nested dense layers applied on the sum of the input and a tensor $\boldsymbol{U}$ and the previous state and a tensor $\boldsymbol{W}$, such that $s_t = f(\boldsymbol{U} x_t + \boldsymbol{W} s_{t-1})$, where $f$ is an activation function. #rnn #neural-network
Sequence A list (ordered collection) of numbers. #mathematics
Skip-grams Generalization of n-grams in which the components (typically words) need not be consecutive in the text under consideration, but may leave gaps that are skipped over. Thus, in a sentence such as "This is a simple example sentence.", a skip-gram could be "This a", "is simple", "a example", "simple sentence" for a 1-skip bigram. In the same fashion as n-grams, probabilities would be associated with the skip-grams, allowing our system to better predict subsequent items. #nlp
Space See vector space. #mathematics
Supervised learning The process of training using a training data set, where the inputs and outputs are both known and we are trying to construct a function approximator using this information.
Syntactic n-grams n-grams defined by paths in syntactic dependency or constituent trees rather than the linear structure of the text. Syntactic n-grams can be thought as skip-grams where the distance varies based on the length of the syntactic item. #nlp
Tensor A multi-dimensional array containing numbers. A tensor is represented by a rank, a shape, and a type.
Tensor rank The number of dimensions of the tensor. Examples are rank 0 for a scalar, rank 1 for a vector, rank 2 for an image/matrix, rank 3 for a video (sequence of images in time).
Tensor shape The number of elements within each dimension. For example, a tensor with shape [5] can contain [a, b, c, d, e] while a tensor with shape [1, 4, 3] will be [[[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]].
Tensor type The type of data contained within the tensor. Generally it will be numbers (integers, floats, double), but it can also be boolean, characters or strings.
Training The process of optimizing a set of weights in a neural network in order to improve the predictive ability of the network. Training is generally done in a supervised manner, using a training data set. #neural-network
Training data set A set of data that is used to train a neural network to recognize the data within the data set and to generate an expected response. #neural-network
Tuple An finite ordered collection of items of various types. As tuples are finite (have a fixed length), they are sometimes considered more "conceptually" appropriate than using lists or arrays which could increase in size/length. #mathematics
Universal approximation theorem
Variable A placeholder that can take a value out of many different possible values.
Vector A collection of numbers, generally represented to be within the $\mathbb{R}^n$ space, where $n$ represents the length of the vector. Each value of the vector represents a value within a single dimension of the vector space. A vector is a special case of a tensor; its tensor rank is 1 and its tensor shape $(n)$ represents its length. It is also a special case of a matrix, where the matrix has only 1 column. #mathematics
Vector space A vector space is an $n$-dimensional space constructed through the addition and multiplication of vectors. #mathematics
Weights A tensor that is trained (modified) in order to learn to approximate a given function. Weights are initialized either with a specific distribution, or randomly. During training, the values within the tensor are updated until they approximate the data the best (according to a loss function). #neural-network